7 Day Diet Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 1 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 2 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 3 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 4 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 5 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 6 Plan
7 Day Diet - Day 7 Plan

Top 10 Reasons to do this 7 Day Diet:

People may have many reasons to do this 7-day diet at home but here are some reason we think you may also want to consider doing this quick diet. 

Here are the top 10 reasons:

1. Lose weight (5-11 lbs.)

2. Change food habits

3. Undergo a full-body detox

4. Initiate a regulation of blood pressure and blood sugar

5. Build self-esteem

6. Get back in those jeans or dress

7. Look better in your dress for that special upcoming event

8. Get a head start on weight control quickly

9. Build some excitement in anticipation of the end result

10. Most importantly, give your body the break it deserves

At the end of your diet, you are bound to feel a little lighter than you felt before you started. Just remember to have fun and watch your nutrition intake as you move forward. Try to break some of your old habits and, needless to say, keep eating more fruits and veggies even after you finish this 7 day diet.